Ace Combat Fanon Wiki
Ace Combat Fanon Wiki

Blitzschlag1 Blitzschlag1 8 September 2016

The Return

Been a long time, almost two years. I don't even know if my regular readers are still active. I scrapped the last story I was on and decided to pursue another idea which is partly based on the 2016 Presidential Elections in the USA :-D. It's based in the real world and I'm trying my best to get geographical, historical and political factors as accurate as possible as to try and make my article as authentic as possible.

A lot has changed fellow fandom writers, much is different.

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Blitzschlag1 Blitzschlag1 11 September 2014

Situation Update

Hello people of this wiki. I hope you all have been in good health and happiness. The rate of progress for my current story will becom almost non-existant in the next few days to come as my university will start hopefully within a few days. I will try to update whenever i can but that just seems unlikely. Hopefully will resume writing in semester breaks. As for the story, I say there is much more to come.

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Blitzschlag1 Blitzschlag1 28 June 2014

Thoughts on Further Development

My combat-flight-simulation-game-playing brethren, I have been thinking. I want to add stories to this wiki but to come up with a fresh one that makes sense is rather difficult so I have decide to build up on the stories themselves by elaborating the characters in them. It's like an untapped resource. All those who have read my work are aware that there are characters in the stories but have no background and introduction whatsoever. I will try to put this in place. Ace Combat: The Ural War will be my last story for some time.

God bless.

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Blitzschlag1 Blitzschlag1 5 June 2014

*Loooong Sigh*

Getting authentic information with respesct to your story's time-frame and respective performance of the equipment is extremely hard. Lord knows how many Soviet and Western air-defence systems I've looked up and read the complete specifications. Same goes with the aircraft and ground units. Who thought fiction could be so diifficult, but as Tom Clancy said,

"The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense."

Trying my best Mr. Clancy. God have mercy on your soul.

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Blitzschlag1 Blitzschlag1 27 May 2014

something I've noticed

I don't know if this is some weird karma thing or just random happenings, but whenever I start a story on this site, activity from the rest of the members just dies down. This place became too quite just a few days ago & is still quite. When I was not writting, the emails just kept coming, now I am here, & there's not a single email. Wow. This is creepy.

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