Ace Combat Fanon Wiki
Ace Combat Fanon Wiki

So I'm back. This place looks dead as hell.

Anyway, I'm rewriting Wings of Dawn under a new name: Ace Combat: Blue Skies, because I realized just how much of a cluster Wings of Dawn was turning out to be. It's going to be a whole new story and most of the stuff from Wings of Dawn will be thrown out the window. If I had the power to delete pages more than half of them would be gone.

But anyway, I'm going to be updating the story on the semi-regular basis of whenever I feel like it. I'll be cruising around the wiki again from time to time. I hope I stepped in on a dry period instead of when the wiki's about to die. I'd really like everyone to see the new story and everything like that.

Oh, and that whole thing about a sequel? Trashing that too. This will be my one and only Ace Combat story, so I hope you like it because it's the only one you're getting out of me. I'll put in as much effort as I can into making Blue Skies super awesome and worth the read.