Phoenix Air Force - Ulysses Squadron
UPDATE: First off my ps3 won't open up the comment section of the page so to answer your question Solowing I don't really know but the member that I have been talking to has been cool with me and I decided that for now we will go ahead with this, though it will just be temporary for now until we decide if we like it or not. Either way the PAF will remain the PAF.
Phoenix Air Force
Alright guys listen up! This message is for all Phoenix Air Force members.
First off due to the lack of activity of the PAF in previous Ace Combat games (6, JA, AH) we will be planning the "official" launch of the PAF at the release of Infinity so prepare for it guys (like I even have to tell most of you that.) but for those who don't have a PS3 and will be unable to join us on ACI you guys will be responsible for 6 and AH. I would like those Aces to strike at the same time along with us striking during Infinity.
Second on the list is that the Phoenix Air Force will be a grpup where all members are equal. We will not have ranks or anything like that due to the size of the group and the fact that each one of you are some of the best Aces out …
Razgriz - Prologue: 150 Years Ago (Subject to change)
As the title says above, this isn't the final version of this but I wanted to get opinions on the type of story I'm making and how I'm going about this. The story takes place in the age of knights in Strangereal but is not part of the canon Strangereal universe. By that I mean that this should be considered as a more magic fictional Strangereal with Aces from several other Ace Combats being placed into the the story as soldiers, knights, mercenaries, ect. If you're still a bit confused about this don't worry, as the story progresses you should get the idea about it. This will alos be a solo project by me but ideas and placing your ACEs into the story will be fine with me, just send me a message and I'll see where I could fit them (one ACE …
AC7!?! Delayed plans, ideas, and other crap I'm about to talk about...
Hey guys! It's been awhile. Now I said I wasn't coming back until I had gotten internet at my house but recent events have brought me back and with that in mind...
Now originally I was planning to have internet at my house by now, but a problem came along...I no longer have a BUT! This is just a temporary snare in my plans. Eventually I'll have a new home along with a job but that will all probobly take about 2 months.
WHEN I do come back I already have plans for 4 new fanfics. The first one will be Ace Combat related but taking place in a more strange than real AC World. The story will be about Razgriz and will be 3 of my 4 fanfics. The first part: The Demon, will be about knights that come …
My Activity
Hey guys, sorry I've been inactive when it has come to my responsibilites on this wiki. I guess I should explain why I have not been working here lately. Recently (for some reason) my school's site blocker isn't working the way it should and that has allowed me to go to sites like Ace Combat Skies and the current site being used by members of Electrosphere. I've been "busy" on those two sites and been ignoring my responsibilites as "Guy who is sort of leader of the ACFW."
Now you might be asking yourself "Well then AoR, what does this mean" or more likely right now "I wasn't thinking that." Well it means that I'll just be a bit more less active at the moment while I get these two sites out of my system. Solowing106 will be "Sort of Supeme C…