Ace Combat Fanon Wiki
Ace Combat Fanon Wiki

Alright guys listen up! This message is for all Phoenix Air Force members.

First off due to the lack of activity of the PAF in previous Ace Combat games (6, JA, AH) we will be planning the "official" launch of the PAF at the release of Infinity so prepare for it guys (like I even have to tell most of you that.) but for those who don't have a PS3 and will be unable to join us on ACI you guys will be responsible for 6 and AH. I would like those Aces to strike at the same time along with us striking during Infinity.

Second on the list is that the Phoenix Air Force will be a grpup where all members are equal. We will not have ranks or anything like that due to the size of the group and the fact that each one of you are some of the best Aces out there. (Also Jimmy told me we should do it like that and I agreed with him.)


And two more things. I would like the current members of the PAF to leave a comment here to comfirm their membership to the group so we can see who's all here and I have created a temporary emblem for us.

Rise from the ashes and fly into Infinity!