Ace Combat Fanon Wiki
Ace Combat Fanon Wiki

If you are a brony (a male fan of My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic) or a Pegasis', which aircraft would you want your favourite pony to fly?

Name :

Aircraft :






eg. Mine is Twilight Sparkle, so......

Name : Twilight Sparkle

Aircraft: YF-23 Black Widow II

Specialty: Electronic Warfare and Air Superiority

Paintscheme: Purple Wing and tailplane edges (similar to Wizard Squadron), single violet and pink streak starting from leading edge of starboard wing, curves and bends down until the rear tip of the port tailplane.

Callsign : Magic/Spark

Strengths : Ability to send out jamming bursts when enemy locks onto aircraft. 360 degrees of lock-on capability.

Weaknesses : Lack of thrust-vectoring.

/) to all of you!!! Zachary12345 (talk) 08:27, October 7, 2012 (UTC)