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Full name



Musical speaker


XB-1 Big plane


Estimated 6 mi.

Reload time

5 mins...unless buffering is included.


One musical piece

The XB-1 Big plane was a plane created by a randomer within the Republic of Wielvakia.


A randomer was playing ACZ. They saw the Hresvelgr in Operation: Valkryie and immediately got an idea.

They first discarded of the name "Hresvelgr". They said that "the name was too hard to pronounce from reading it, and that we should really call it what it was." They decided to keep the aircraft's design, since they were too lazy to create a new one. It seems that the only modification was a Shock-cannon-sized speaker on the bottom of the aircraft that played Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkryies".

They then decided to terrorize Dismark with the plane. However, they spent so much money in the speaker that fuel was not acquired. Once they got their next paycheck, fuel was bought. They took off using their street, managed to get three feet off of the ground, fell down into a cornfield, took back up, and climbed to 40,000. As it turned out, WAF Early Warning Radar had intercepted the aircraft at 40,000 ft. It was shot down by two F-16C's. The randomer was reported to be yelling "blaze of glory" into the radios and then turned on the music as the plane plummeted to the ground. The randomer bailed out. In a cartoonish accident, the pilotless XB-1 fell near a desert.

A coyote was stalking a roadrunner when the XB-1 fell on him. The roadrunner came by and mockingly 'beeped' at the coyote. The coyote then held up a sign that said, "When Acme sends me that Falken, you're dead."    

File:Wagner - RIDE OF THE VALKYRIES - Furtwangler

The music played by Big plane.
